Sunday 25 October 2015

Mots de la semaine - Semaine 6

Here are the words of the week: 
1. petit = small
2. grand = big
3. gros = large
4. large = wide
5. long = long

Monday 12 October 2015

Mots de la semaine - semaine 4

Here are the words of the week : 
1. dans = in
2. ou = or
3. et = and
4. mon/ma = my
5. ton/ta = your

You can practice them here: 

Sunday 4 October 2015

Mots de la semaine - le 5 octobre - semaine 3

Here are this week's mots de la semaine: 
1. je = I
2. papa = dad 
3. maman = mom
4. il = he 
5. elle = she 

Here is a book to practice the words: 
Ma famille

Practice the words below